Sulfuric Acid Anodize Definition: Sulfuric acid anodizing is a conversion on aluminum which changes the surface to an aluminum oxide film that can range from (.0001″) – (.001″) thick. This oxide coating gives the aluminum a greater resistance to abrasion, protects from corrosion, and provides excellent thermal and electrical insulation…
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Chromate (Chem-Film)
Chromate Conversion Coating (Chem-Film) Definition: Chromate conversion, also known as chemical film, alodine or iridite, offers increased corrosion protection on aluminum. It is inexpensive, electrically conductive and is often used as a pre-treatment for paint and adhesives. Chromate can be used as a standalone finish or as a post treatment…
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Zinc Plating Definition: Zinc plating is a sacrificial protective coating which can be further protected by post-plate treatments such as chromates and sealers. It is considered an inexpensive means of protecting against corrosion. Spec(s): ASTM B633-15 Thickness classes for coatings: KEY: Classification #, Service condition, Thickness Fe/Zn 25, SC4 (very…
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